Jaffa cakes to reduce packaging size!

Specialist packaging Suppliers
Specialist Packaging Suppliers.
September 28, 2017
Pallet Wrap
October 24, 2017

Jaffa cakes to reduce packaging size!

Jaffa cakes are the latest food brand to reduce the packaging, we are going to lose two jaffa’s per pack, the new packs will contain 10 rather 12.  McVities have said that the size and weight of the individual jaffs stays the same.

Jaffa cakes to reduce packaging size but not actual size

McVities are not the only one to reduce the pack size, major food manufactures are reducing the packaging sizes following last years vote to leave the EU.  The fall in the pound has put up the cost of raw materials, reducing the pack size mean the cost does not get passed onto the customer, I for one think is may be a clever tactic to make us buy two boxes not just one!!!

At safechoice packaging we have Jaff’s all the time, our favorite mid afternoon snack.