
Protective Bubl Bags
May 15, 2020
Bubl Inflation Machines
May 16, 2020
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4F900-022 BUBL Wrapping Toaster_800
4F1200-023 BUBL Wrapping Toilet Cistern_8004F1200-023 BUBL Wrapping Radiator_8004F1200-023 BUBL Wrapping Picture_8004F1200-023 BUBL Wrapping Mirror_8004F900-022 BUBL Wrapping Suitcase_8004F900-022 BUBL Wrapping Hotplate_8004F600-021 BUBL Wrapping Small TV_8004F600-021 BUBL Wrapping Glass Vase_8004F900-022 BUBL Wrapping Taps_800

Bubl Wrapping

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Complete protection for fragile, awkward or large products. BUBL Wrapping is super – strong and is inflated as required, dramatically reducing demand for warehouse space.

With manual or automated inflation BUBL Wrapping is the ultimate flexible protective packaging option, providing maximum product protection for awkward and difficult to pack items. If one of the chambers is punctured your products are still protected as the rest remain inflated.

  • Eliminates transit damage
  • Quick, clean and simple packaging process
  • 100% Reusable
  • 100% recyclable
  • Up to 90% less warehouse storage space required
  • Lower carbon footprint – very lightweight
  • Moisture and humidity resistant
  • ISO 9001 and 14001 Certification

Bubl Wrapping comes in a number of different sizes:
600mm wide x 300m per roll, 900mm wide x 300m per roll and 1200mm wide x 200m per roll.  Each roll is perforated every 300mm, so no cutting is required, tear to teh size yoru need, super strong offering excellent levels of protection.  We supply the rolls which can be inflated manually or by using our auto inflation machine.

Buble wrapping can be used to line your boxes before your put the product in, or by simply wrapping your products securly first before you place in the box, ensuring that they arrives at the end user un-damaged, meaning you dont get the phones calls asking for refunds and new products which eats in to your profit margins, get it right first time with our bubl wrapping solutions.,  If you would like any samples of the bubl wrapping then please drop us a line and we send it to you inflated or we can arrange a full demonstration at your premisis, with our inflatble machine and wrapping options.  Your will not go back to using every day bubble wrap again.